IBM 에서 IT Architect 관점에서 운영(관리)하는 사이트에 대해서 많은 사람들이 모르고 있다.
방문해 보면 알겠지만, 상당한 분량의 내용으로 잘 정리되어 있다.

1. IBM Deloperworks의 Architect 사이트 :

2. Architect RoadMap :

3. bwoolf wiki에 정리된 IT Architect :

4. Pattern Solutions 사이트 :

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

Posted by 아름프로

Becoming an IT Architect

2007. 1. 3. 20:17
회사내 Bobby Woolf 블로그를 보다 재밌는 글이 있어서 남겨본다.

내용의 링크들을 쫓아가다보면 무수히 널려있는 Architect의 자료를 만나게 될 수 있다.
개인적으론 이란 사이트를 운영할 정도로 아키텍트로의 길을 중요시 생각
하지만, 아직 해야할 일들과 하고 싶은 것들이 너무 많기만 하다. ;)

Today an IBMer asked me, "Where can I read more about becoming an IT Architect?"

He didn't know about my blog, like apparently you do if you're reading this. Nevertheless, here's the answer I gave him.

You should go read all eight Insight and Outlook columns; the latest is "Why and how IBM architects became architects." I talk about architecture a fair bit on my developerWorks blog, WebSphere SOA and J2EE in Practice. I don't have a specific architect/architecture thread, but if you search on words like architect, you'll find lots of postings. For example, one is Becoming an Architect, which points to the IT Architecture page on my wiki. I've also written the New to Architecture article for the Architecture zone. So that's where you can start learning about architecture, at least what I think.

So maybe that's a helpful overview for some of you as well.

Posted by 아름프로

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