MDD(model-driven development)와 Modeling Framework (EMF, JET, JMerge)
1. JET Tutorial Part 1 (Introduction to JET) : 번역(양석호)
2. JET Tutorial Part 2 (Introduction to JET) : 번역(양석호)
3. Improving Developer Productivity with Lightweight Domain Specific Modeling
4. Implementing Model Integrity in EMF with EMFT OCL
5. Chris Gerken on model-driven development
6. Get started with model-driven development using the Design Pattern Toolkit
7. Get started with model-driven development using the Design Pattern Toolkit -- Part 2
8. JET Enhancement Proposal (JET2)
9. Create more -- better -- code in Eclipse with JET
10. Model with the Eclipse Modeling Framework
part 1. Create UML models and generate code
part 2. Generate code with Eclipse's Java Emitter Templates
part 3. Customize generated models and editors with Eclipse's JMerge
Tag Libs
1. JET Tutorial Part 1 (Introduction to JET) : 번역(양석호)
2. JET Tutorial Part 2 (Introduction to JET) : 번역(양석호)
3. Improving Developer Productivity with Lightweight Domain Specific Modeling
4. Implementing Model Integrity in EMF with EMFT OCL
5. Chris Gerken on model-driven development
6. Get started with model-driven development using the Design Pattern Toolkit
7. Get started with model-driven development using the Design Pattern Toolkit -- Part 2
8. JET Enhancement Proposal (JET2)
9. Create more -- better -- code in Eclipse with JET
10. Model with the Eclipse Modeling Framework
part 1. Create UML models and generate code
part 2. Generate code with Eclipse's Java Emitter Templates
part 3. Customize generated models and editors with Eclipse's JMerge
Tag Libs