Rational이 IBM에 합병된 후, 발표된 6.0이 eclipse기반으로의 전환을 위한 과도기 제품적인 성격이짙어 보였다면,
올해말과 내년초에 발표될 7.0버젼대 제품은 전제품이 eclipse에 기반을두고, 개발 라이프사이클을 전반적으로 탄탄히 지원해 주고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다.
7.0버젼으로의 전환과 함께 개최되는 IBM Rational Software Development Conference 2007은
개발의 전체 사이클의 일부분에서 전체 흐름까지를 두루 접해볼 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것 같다.
해당 홈페이지의 Agenda 에 있는 Technical workshop 과 Track description 의 내용을 통해
앞으로 전개될 개발의 흐름과 개발툴들이 전개되는지를 잠시 살펴보자.. ~
홈페이지 링크
세션 내용 (Technical workshop)
Track Descriptions
각 세션과 상세내역은 해당페이지 링크에 가시면 보실 수 있습니다.)
올해말과 내년초에 발표될 7.0버젼대 제품은 전제품이 eclipse에 기반을두고, 개발 라이프사이클을 전반적으로 탄탄히 지원해 주고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다.
7.0버젼으로의 전환과 함께 개최되는 IBM Rational Software Development Conference 2007은
개발의 전체 사이클의 일부분에서 전체 흐름까지를 두루 접해볼 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것 같다.
해당 홈페이지의 Agenda 에 있는 Technical workshop 과 Track description 의 내용을 통해
앞으로 전개될 개발의 흐름과 개발툴들이 전개되는지를 잠시 살펴보자.. ~
홈페이지 링크
세션 내용 (Technical workshop)
Business Driven Development for Compliance Management
Introduction to IBM Rational Portfolio Manager
Writing Good Use Cases - A Beginners Session
Patterns for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Success
Rapid Application Development Using IBM Rational Application Developer
Introduction to Rational's Automated Quality Tools
Geographically Distributed Development using the IBM Rational Software Development Platform
Walk through of IBM Rational Method Composer Tooling Capability
Introduction to the IBM Software Development Platform
Writing Good Use Cases - An Advanced Session
Business and System Modeling Using Use Case Flowdown and IBM Rational Method Composer
Designing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Services with IBM Rational Software Architect
Test Drive Rational Cross Platform Rapid SOA Development Technology (EGL)
Test Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest
Geographically Distributed Development for Developers
Build and Deployment Tracking
Basic SoDA and ProjectConsole Template Building
Governing Business Driven Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Development
Team Development with IBM Rational Software Architect
Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester
Working with IBM Rational BuildForge to Optimize Your Software Delivery Processes
Migrating RUP Plug-ins to IBM Rational Method Composer
Discovering the value of IBM Rational's DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Solution
Introduction to IBM Rational Portfolio Manager
Writing Good Use Cases - A Beginners Session
Patterns for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Success
Rapid Application Development Using IBM Rational Application Developer
Introduction to Rational's Automated Quality Tools
Geographically Distributed Development using the IBM Rational Software Development Platform
Walk through of IBM Rational Method Composer Tooling Capability
Introduction to the IBM Software Development Platform
Writing Good Use Cases - An Advanced Session
Business and System Modeling Using Use Case Flowdown and IBM Rational Method Composer
Designing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Services with IBM Rational Software Architect
Test Drive Rational Cross Platform Rapid SOA Development Technology (EGL)
Test Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest
Geographically Distributed Development for Developers
Build and Deployment Tracking
Basic SoDA and ProjectConsole Template Building
Governing Business Driven Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Development
Team Development with IBM Rational Software Architect
Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester
Working with IBM Rational BuildForge to Optimize Your Software Delivery Processes
Migrating RUP Plug-ins to IBM Rational Method Composer
Discovering the value of IBM Rational's DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Solution
Track Descriptions
Requirements and Analysis
Business and Data Modeling
Architecture and Design
Construction and Assembly
Cross Platform Application Development
Software Quality
Change and Configuration Management
Change and Configuration Management -- Advanced
Process and Portfolio Management
Application Lifecycle Management
Bridging Business and Technology
Open Computing
(색상은 개인적인 이슈와 관련 된 사항입니다. 보시는 분은 의미를 부여하지 마세요.Business and Data Modeling
Architecture and Design
Construction and Assembly
Cross Platform Application Development
Software Quality
Change and Configuration Management
Change and Configuration Management -- Advanced
Process and Portfolio Management
Application Lifecycle Management
Bridging Business and Technology
Open Computing
각 세션과 상세내역은 해당페이지 링크에 가시면 보실 수 있습니다.)