SELECT docid FROM doc_xdoclong_ka T WHERE extractValue( T.doc,'/AIX/AlbumIdentifier/KAID') = '11746'

SELECT docid  FROM doc_xdoclong_ka T
where existsNode( T.doc,'/AIX/AlbumIdentifier[KAID=11746]') = 1
and existsNode( T.doc,'/AIX/AlbumContributor[AlbumContributorName="신해철"]') = 1

SELECT docid,extractValue (T.doc,'/AIX/AlbumIdentifier/KAID') as result0 ,
           extractValue (T.doc,'/AIX/AlbumInformation/Title/OriginalTitle') as result1 ,
           extractValue (T.doc,'/AIX/AlbumContributor/AlbumContributorName') as result2  
FROM doc_xdoclong_ka T where existsNode(T.doc,'/AIX/AlbumIdentifier[KAID=11746]') = 1
and existsNode( T.doc,'/AIX/AlbumContributor[AlbumContributorName="신해철"]') = 1

select * from KAInfo where kaid='11746'

***** 아름다운프로님에 의해서 게시물 복사 + 카테고리변경되었습니다 (2003-12-18 16:49)
Posted by 아름프로
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