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이클립스와 jbuilder plug-in 형식으로 제공됩니다.
이클립스의 설치 방법은..
이클립스와 jbuilder plug-in 형식으로 제공됩니다.
이클립스의 설치 방법은..
- Please choose from the screen of Eclipse with "Help" ->"Software Updates" -> "Update Manager". An 'Update Manager' opens.
- In the "Feature Updates" view at the lower left of an 'Update Manager', please carry out the right click of the "Sites to Visit", and create a site bookmark by "New" -> "Site Bookmark...".
- The bookmark to create should input the following "URL" and should push an "Finish" button.
Name: Arbitrary input
URL(for Eclipse2.1.x) :
URL(for Eclipse3.0) :
Bookmark type: Eclipse update site
- If a site bookmark is created, the bookmark created at the bottom of "Feature Updates" will appear.
A click of " x.x.x" displays a preview on a right window. Since the button "Install Now" is in around the lower right, please click.
- Since an installation wizard starts, please click a "Next" button rapidly.
- "You will need to restart the workbench for the changes to take effect. Would you like to restart now?" is displayed. Please reboot Eclipse according to a dialog.