Reverse Conditional

Refactoring contributed by Bill Murphy and Martin Fowler

You have a conditional that would be easier to understand if you reversed its sense.

Reverse the sense of the conditional and reorder the conditional's clauses.

if ( !isSummer( date ) )
  charge = winterCharge( quantity );
  charge = summerCharge( quantity );

if ( isSummer( date ) )
  charge = summerCharge( quantity );
  charge = winterCharge( quantity );


Often conditionals can be phrased in way that makes them hard to read. This is particularly the case when they have a not in front of them. If the conditional only has a "then" clause and no "else" clause, this is reasonable. However if the conditional has both clauses, then you might as well reverse the conditional.


  • Remove negative from conditional.

  • Switch clauses

  • Compile and test.

There's further discussion on this kind of refactoring on the wiki.

***** 아름다운프로님에 의해서 게시물 복사 + 카테고리변경되었습니다 (2003-12-18 17:27)
Posted by 아름프로
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